Published by Piervito Loiudicein Flour · 3 January 2018
Tags: flourproductsintegralsFarinaIntegralmincedinStone
(Reviewed by the Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno 10- 03- 2006)
98% of wheat flour and their derivatives (bread, pasta, biscuits and bakery products) currently on the Italian market and sold for full price plus are false whole.
They are produced in mills from already refined flour to which is added bran finely reground.
Medical and nutritional research has shown that the fibers added to already refined products have limited effectiveness for protection against blood glucose and insulin spikes but also in the prevention of certain digestive diseases.
The integrals authentic , also called "grinding whole body" or "coarse ", products are in fact similar to those described by A. Keys (Study of Seven Countries) at the time of the discovery and dissemination of authentic Mediterranean Diet ( the 40 - 50), in which practically did not exist the structures and techniques for fine grinding. In this type of products, together with the consumption of extra oil virgin olive oil and a few other natural foods , it was given the increased level of health of the coastal populations of the Mediterranean, creating the myth of the Mediterranean diet .

Advertise current refined flour and its derivatives such as foods of the Mediterranean dietmay be a misleading advertising , to which the institutions should pay more attention.
Today it is possible to improve the nutritional point of view also "grinding whole body with a prior" decortication ". It is already of a technique used to shine the rice to remove the outer layers of the grain bark and free them from contamination by pesticides, acid rain, heavy metals, etc.
The industrial mills, equipped with very advanced techniques and sanitation, would be able to produce them with minor modifications to facilities and milling techniques and cheaply.But this does not happen, and because it lacks the dissemination of a good culture of real integrals and because there is legislation in force (Law No. 580 of July 4, 1967 and No. 187 of February 19, 2001) which protects effectively the production of counterfeits integrals, as it requires for the same pretty much just the bond of a rate of ash (minerals incinerated) content between 1.30 and 1.80 p./100 p. of dry matter. This can be achieved more economically with the aforementioned production of the integral false , that would not occur if the demanded legislation forspecifically wholemeal flour direct production coarse and the prohibition of the flours already reconstituted refined by adding bran .

Currently consumers' intentions to consume more whole healthy products

Currently consumers' intentions to consume more whole healthy products are frustrated by the whole fake. This, despite having a higher price, damages their health because they cause the same harmful effects of refined products.
To avoid deception to the detriment of consumers, some large living nutritionists (W.Willett, J. Brand Miller, D. Jenkins, T. Wolever, DS Ludvig and others), authors of the most rivoluzionane nutrition research to prevent obesity and other metabolic diseases (hypertension, cholesterol and diabetes) and chronic degenerative (inflammatory diseases and tumors) utiizzando authentic whole foods, recommend to indicate food sull'etichette the glycemic index (GI) and the glycemic load (GL). These are measures of increases in blood sugar caused by the ingested food, predictive risk re s enta an IG 70, while a dark bread flour integral falsepresents an almost equal IG (IG 68) when an integral authentic bread flour has an IG unit is not greater than 40. The same is true for other bakery products and pasta.
A product with IG 68- 70 increases the metabolic risk more than table sugar, which has a GI value of 61.
The sull'etichette indication must serve to doctors, dieticians and pharmacists, for the correct prescription of low whole foods IG and CG, to recommend to their patients, to make more effective its drug therapies and to avoid damage to health. It must serve to the consumer, at the time of expenditure, to distinguish a false by an integral authentic, to prevent fraud and to address its health choices on products with lower IG and CG.
More insights on eating healthier, the new whole foods with a low glycemic load , on the bibliography concerning sull'IG CG and international research and the research RCCS wings of Castellana Grotte (BA) of IG and CG of the most common foods typical of Puglia, can be found by visiting the website www.antonioelia.com or reading the book: A.Elia "low glycemic load Nutrition" - Cacucci Publisher - 2005.

Antonio Elia
Bari, 09.03.2006
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