Published by Piervito Loiudicein Flour · 10 January 2018
Tags: wholefloursbiologicalpropertieswheatgrainnutritionusesvirtues
As we previously mentioned, it is interesting to note that, together with a growing interest in foods made with whole grains, in recent years has been spreading the habit to the preparation of products - bread and pasta in particular - that are passed off as whole. It is good to see a real aberazione, dictated by misinformation when not for speculation: is passed to complete the flour (and therefore bread and pasta) which is actually simply "re-integrated".

It is a question of a mixture of refined white flour and bran , which tries to reconstruct retrospectively and poorly what has been previously destroyed. It obviously did not have anything to do with wholemeal flourand the watchful eye of the consumer will be able to distinguish the characteristic dimpled bottom of bran added to replenish the flour with brown parts more or less dark), the complete semolina instead of amber rather uniform.
Moreover, not only refining, but also the techniques of cultivation contribute to thedeterioration of the quality of wheat andcereals in general. The frenzied use of fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, chemical pesticides, it has profoundly modified the organoleptic characteristics and nutritional value. As has been previously mentioned, only a power supply that talk to products cultivated in an organic way, which excludes the use of synthetic chemical substances , can restore the original force in this food and, in general, to all foods. Finally it is worth remembering that the grain of wheat is particularly the grain sprouted, it is beneficial infatigue, colitis, anemia, mental and physical fatigue. It is also recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

II Whole wheat consumption provides the body with proteins, fats (few and predominantly unsaturated), vitamins, minerals (including calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, potassium), enzymes . It's a mineralizing food, refreshing, anti-inflammatory and anti-anemic, to be inserted completely into the daily diet in the case of organic decay, excessive tiredness (physical or mental) and nervous exhaustion, as well as in all those stages of life when our body is required one special effort (pregnancy, lactation, growth and puberty, menopause). The usual wheat presence on their table contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular disease and stimulates the hepatic activity. Before introducing it in the children's diet it is important to verify a possible gluten intolerance.

If this is mild you can fall back on wheat Senator Hats, antique highly nutritious cereal, which has not undergone the selections of modern cereals and which does not produce allergic reactions wheat . The bran (outer covering of the grain), high in fiber, stimulates intestinal peristalsis and introducing it in the diet consistently and for a long time, it allows to solve indigestion problems. It will hold the consumer, however, in cases of chronic colitis. The bran is also used in some homemade cosmetics applications, as a beauty mask or addition (in a gauze bag) to bath it shows molliente properties, purifying and anti-inflammatory.

The germ, within the whole grain contains the most valuable nutrients (proteins, vitamins, enzymes, minerals) and consumption of wheat sprouts, it allows you to fully exploit them.
From the cold pressing of the beans we get the wheat germ oil, which on the skin plays a strong antioxidant, protective, nourishing, softening. This oil (which has a very pungent smell) is used externally in small amounts, alone or mixed with almond oil, for massaging dry skin, chapped and to prevent the formation of wrinkles. As a supplement they take 2- 3 tablespoons a day.
A curiosity: the popular tradition recommends the bread for some remedies "first aid".Fresh bread can be applied on cuts and small wounds to stop the blood flow. Without boil briefly in a little water it seems to give relief from inflamed pimples (hot poultice) and conjunctivitis (cold poultice).

Because the grains , as well as other products grown, are the best of their quality, it is essential that they are free of toxic residues (modern agriculture has introduced crops in the massive use of fertilizers and pesticides chemical synthesis). They should then come from land cultivated with natural methods, biological or biodynamic.

It is important to emphasize that the whole foods that are not also of biological origin represent a real contradiction . In fact, the grains from crops in which they are not charged biological methods, especially when brought in their integral form , end up being a realconcentration of hazardous substances , which largely are found right on the outer parts of the grain and, therefore, on our table. For their purchases it is therefore particularly appropriate to contact the producers directly or to the now wide spread marketing network products throughout the country, which is able to document both the origin of the products offered and the type of cultivation.Certain pasta that can be found on supermarket shelves, for example, or even in pharmacies, seem not, until now, to provide sufficient safety from this point of view. Indeed, often play on the sacrosanct demand for products grown with natural methods for the conduct of real piracy, which generate confusion among consumers.

Source: CEREALS properties, uses and virtues - Walter Pedrotti - Ed. Demeter
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